Standard Draft prEN 16309 for assessing the social performance of buildings

Since 2004, the European Standardization Organization (CEN) has been developing a comprehensive standardization of the building assessment at European level within the framework of the Technical Committee 350 (Sustainability of construction works).


VÖZ – Association of Austrian Cement Industy, BTF, Initiative Brick, GVTB –  Quality Association Concrete Transport



The subject of this standardization work are the ecological, economic and social criteria for the evaluation of buildings. The social, cultural and user-related aspects are dealt with in Working Group 5 of CEN TC 350.

The WG 5 has systematized the complex area of ​​the social sustainability of buildings since 2008 and worked out for building evaluations. A major step has been taken now with the revised draft of the prEN16309 standard, which contains the criteria as well as the calculation and determination methods. The prEN 16309 was issued in summer 2013 for resolution and approved with high approval. The completed standard was published in early 2014.