TRIPLE-E: Renewable Energy and Ethic

The goal of the project was to develop a tool to support decision makers from politics and administration to reach a holistic evaluation and decision over a sustainable and/or ethically justifiable use of renewable energies.


Future Funds Styria



  • Joanneum Research, Graz (project leader)
  • Graz University of Technology
  • University of Graz
  • Wegener Centre for Climate and Global Change, Graz
  • Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry Styria
  • Sekem Energy Ltd., Hitzendorf

Renewable energies (from biomass, water power, solar power, wind and geothermy) are commonly seen as ecological, economical sustainable and future-oriented energy sources. Is this generalization valid regarding ethical criteria? E.g. biogas plants in Styria are operated with corn, but this corn could also be used as feeding stuff or food.

The tool was conceived as a digital stocktaking and planning instrument, including data about regional available energy potentials and power requirement, as well as ethical consequences of use decisions.

The project was implemented in the model region St. Margarethen an der Raab.

The most important regional groups of interests as well as the potential target groups of the supporting tool were involved in the project.