Implementation and Adaptation of Ecological Procurement according to a model of the ÖkoBeschaffungsService Vorarlberg

An evaluation of the years 2002 and 2003 proved that municipalities which used this service could save working time and money while purchasing environmentally preferable products.


Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Envrionment and Water  



  • Umweltverband Vorarlberg (Projektleitung)
  • Abfallwirtschaftsverband Tirol Mitte (ATM GesmbH)
  • BAV Bezirksabfallverband Braunau
  • BMV Burgenländischer Müllverband
  • Gemeindeverband für Abfallbeseitigung in der Region Tulln
  • BAV Bezirksabfallverband Steyr-Land
  • AWV Abfallwirtschaftsverband Deutschlandsberg
  • AWV Abfallwirtschaftsverband Westkärnten
  • Ökokauf Wien/Stadt Wien
  • ÖLE Steiermark

The Environmental Association Vorarlberg (Umweltverband) represents the environmental interests of the 96 municipalities of the province Vorarlberg. In 2001 the ÖkoBeschaffungsService Vorarlberg (Eco Procurement Service Vorarlberg) has been established by the Umweltverband, which offers joint procurement for the members, while including environmental standards in the common calls for tenders. An evaluation of the years 2002 and 2003 proved that municipalities which used this service could save working time and money while purchasing environmentally preferable products. Thus this successful concept and the existing experiences shall be transferred to other Austrian provinces or regions. Especially Waste Management Associations of municipalities are very interested to take up this idea.

With the help of a questionnaire the interest of member municipalities of the project partners to use such services has been evaluated. 3 project partners already implement measures while the others are involved in workshops to exchange knowledge and experiences.

Research Topic