The Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS) hosts international guest scientists who investigate links and interaction between science, technology and society, as well as research on the development and implementation of socially sound and environmentally sustainable technologies.

  • My time as a Research Fellow at IAS-STS between October 2016 – January 2017 gave me a great opportunity to work effectively on my book manuscript Schizoanalysis and Animal Science Education, which has now been published by Bloomsbury Academic. My concentrated research time at the IAS-STS was absolutely necessary to finalize this project, and I wish to thank everybody at the IAS-STS for making it possible. During my fellowship period I also enjoyed the friendship and exchange with numerous colleagues. Graz with surroundings is a cultural hub in Styria and a very vegan-friendly city, and all these aspects contributed to making my stay memorable.

    Fellow at IAS-STS: 2016/2017

    Helena Pedersen
  • Although I spent only four weeks in Graz my stay was very productive and enriching. I met a lot of interesting researchers working in STS with which I could share and discuss my ideas. The staff was very welcoming too. I also valued the time I had for writing and thinking in the well quipped and sunny workspace – with kitchen and sofa! The office has a lovely view and is in the center of Graz. Graz is a beautiful city. It is a lively town and there are a lot of interesting cultural events. You are very close to nature and can do great tours in the mountains. All in all I can recommend a stay at the IAS-STS very much and hope to come back to Graz at one time.

    Fellow at IAS-STS: 2014/2015

    Eva Saenger
  • In 2017, I spent 3 very enjoyable and productive months at the IAS-STS. Graz is a beautiful, lively city with great food, wine and hospitality and the IAS-STS has a very welcoming and stimulating environment. The office I shared with the other research fellows was not only a place of knowledge exchange between young academics from diverse national and disciplinary backgrounds but also of a growing sense of comradery developed over shared meals and cups of coffee. The break from daily life and the change in scenery energized me to focus on my PhD dissertation and the discussion during our biweekly workshops was fruitful and interesting. As I was in Graz during May, I was also able to attend the annual STS conference organized by IAS-STS, that not only had interesting communications but proved to be an excellent opportunity for networking with researcher from all over Europe. I’ll always remember my time at Graz - and especially the people I met there - fondly.


    Junqueira, Luis |Portugal
  • In spring 2015, I spent two month at the IAS-STS in Graz. It was a perfect time, place and surrounding to calm down and concentrate on my PhD project. Graz is a lovely city. There is culture, good food, and beautiful nature. The IAS-STS provides great facilities and – as important – a very welcoming atmosphere. I really enjoyed the discussions with other fellows and IFZ staff members over a cup of coffee or during lunch. That did not only help me advance my professional work but also made me feel home in a foreign town. Thanks to the IFZ staff members, the other fellows and visiting scholars as well as my roommates, Graz was an experience I would not want to miss!

    Bärbel Keysselitz, Germany, IAS-STS Research Fellow 2014/2015

    Bärbel Keysselitz

Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS)
Günter Getzinger
Sandgasse 36/III
8010 Graz - Austria
office [punkt] sts at tugraz [punkt] at