Balon, Jan | Czech Republic

Jan Balon

Jan Balon is the head of the department of Science, Technology, and Society Studies of the Czech Academy of Science. He specializes in the study of formative periods in the history of social science. He is the author of 5 books including Sociological Theory (2007), The Society of Our Age (2011), Contemporary Sociological Theory (2011), Sociology in the USA (2011), History of Sociology in the Czech Republic (2017); and the editor of 6 collections. He took part in a number of research projects that looked into various aspects of the institutional development in the academic field (e. g. From Rockefeller to Soros: The Impact of American Foundations on the Agenda of Czech Sociology; Literary Technologies of Science; Contemporary Perspectives in Historical Epistemology). Recently, he is involved in a project which seeks to pick up on sociological legacies in relation to the topic of domination (Rethinking Domination: Herbert Miller on class, nation and race in the context of Czechoslovakian nationhood).

Project at IAS-STS

Intership as part of project ‘Development of Environment for Professional Growth of Employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS’ (reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014626; OP VVV, call Development of Capacities for Research and Development II)


Contact: balon at flu [punkt] cas [punkt] cz


Selected Publications

Balon, Jan., Holmwood, John. 2022. Immigration, Domination, and ‘Proportional Patriotism’: Recovering the Sociology of Herbert Adolphus Miller. The American Sociologist.

Balon, Jan. 2022. Evolutionary Universals in Czechoslovak Society. Talcott Parsons, Prague Spring, and Structures of Interest. In: Javier Treviño, Helmut Staubmann (eds). The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies. Routledge, 308-322.
Balon, Jan - Holmwood, John. 2019. The Impossibility of Sociology as a Science; Arguments from within the Discipline. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 49(3): 334-347

Holmwood, John, Jan Balon. 2018. Monstrous Markets – Neo-liberalism, Populism and the Demise of the Public University. In: Brigitte Nerlich, Sarah Hartley, Sujatha Raman and Alex Smith (eds). Science and the Politics of Openess: Here Be Monsters. Manchester University Press, 303-321

Skovajsa, Marek, Jan Balon. 2017. Sociology in the Czech Republic. Between East and West. Palgrave, Macmillan, 2017, 155 p.