Deviren, A. Senem | Turkey
Fellow at IAS-STS 2008/2009
A. Senem Deviren is an architect, Asisstant Professor at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture. She has taken her Ph.D. degree in 2001 from Istanbul Technical University with her thesis titled “Place in Architecture: Conceptualization of the Relations Between Site and Building”.
She received her M.Sc. in Architectural Design from Institute of Science and Technology in 1996 and Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1994 from Department of Architecture of Istanbul Technical University. As a Visiting Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University in 2004-2005 academic year she has coordinated four design studios and participated in undergraduate and graduate studio reviews as invited jury member. She is teaching at Istanbul Technical University Department of Landscape Architecture and Interdisciplinary Urban Design M.Sc. Program.
Her research focuses on place theory and design, conceptualization in design, inter-scale design approaches, design strategy development, architecture-landscape-urban design relations with special emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency.
As a Research Fellow at the IAS-STS Senem Deviren was awarded with the Manfred-Heindler-grant.
Project at IAS-STS: The effects of landscape design on micro climate regulations in housing environments and energy efficient housing design
Increasing demand for energy efficiently designed buildings demonstrate that design approaches that are preoccupied by form and style only are not able to lead for creation of sustainable, healthy and livable places that are appropriate for human habitation. Energy efficient architectural design necessitates a contextual approach to the nature and design of built work that relates it to its setting and landscape. Moreover, such a design requires a more holistic design approach that combines the architectural and landscape design into one. The specific aim of this research is to demonstrate that effective site resource use integrated landscape design, combined with creative energy conscious building design, particularly in housing environments, can offer excellent opportunities for regulating micro climate and application of the principles of sustainable development and regeneration both in urban and rural context.
Within this thematic focus the research is led by two major questions:
- How landscape design alters the micro climate in housing environments and effects the energy efficient housing design?
- How can we advance knowledge and transfer information on renewable energy sources and energy efficient design into design education and practice?
Focused on these main questions the general objectives of this research are to:
- Investigate the complementarity potentials between ecology, energy efficiency and design, both in theory and practice, in particular in housing environments.
- Investigate the role of landscape design on energy savings and regulating micro climate of housing environments, and in larger scale of settlements.
- Develop a landscape and architecture combined design strategy for energy efficiency at housing, and at settlement level, that is appropriate both ecologically and culturally.
Selected Publications
Deviren, A.S., Living Between Urban and Rural: A Case Study on Ecological Design Strategies of Hillside Traditional Courtyard Houses at Mardin and Environs, The 7th China Urban Housing Conference, “Green Architecture and Social Sustainability: Housing Development Coherent with Geographical Resources and Contexts”, Chongqoing, 26-27 September 2008, The 7th China Urban Housing Conference Proceedings.
Deviren, A.S., Maintaining Biodiversity in an Eastern Mediterranean Urban Landscape: The Role of the Courtyards in Antakya, IAPS 2008 ROME - 20th IAPS Conference Urban diversities, biosphere and well-being: designing and managing our common environment, Green Spaces in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas and Sustainable Biodiversity “Opportunities for Urban Biodiversity in Dynamic Cities”, Rome, Italy, 28th July – 01th August 2008.
Deviren, A.S., An Eco-House: On Design and Living with Ecological Design Parameters,( in Turkish), XXI-Architecture-Design-Space magazine, no 47, July-August 2006, pp.84-86.
Deviren A.S., Sustainable Planning at the Urban Edge: The Serenbe Community, with P. Tabb, 19th IAPS International Conference “Environment, Health and Sustainable Development”, Alexandria, Egypt, September 11-16, 2006, pp.49-61.
Deviren, A.S., A Design Studio Experiment on Site and Building Integrations Towards Placemaking, 9th International Design Conference-Excellence in Design, Design 2006 Conference Proceedings, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 15-18, 2006, pp.1109-1114.