Galev, Todor | Bulgaria

Galev, Todor | Bulgaria

Academically educated in the field of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria, he graduated as MA in 2000. Since 2001 he is working on his PhD thesis at the Department 'Sociology of Science and Education', Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Work experience in the field of market research and sociological studies, database processing and statistical analysis of panel data. Academic specialization: Sociology of science and technologies.

Spheres of interest: Dual Use Goods and Technologies (DUT), Information and communication technologies, Military technologies, Development of the electronic industry in Bulgaria.

From October 2002 to June 2003 he is a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz.


Project at IAS-STS: Dual Use Research: Between Engineering Technology and Social Networks

The research topic of the project is "Dual Use Goods and Technologies" - final products and process technologies with both military and civil possibility of use. The basic hypothesis is that technology in itself is neither military, nor civil, nor both of these at once - it is 'created' as such 'artificially' in the process of its realization through the interactions of the equal non-human and social actors, taking part in the process. To realize the main goal of the study the author is constructed theoretical-methodological frame that will enable him to localize and define a heterogeneous 'network' of relevant actors, in whose permanent interactions the potential and factual (realized) duality of technology is "negotiated" and "re-negotiated" and secondly, a frame that will be sensitive to the continuous fluctuations and changes of this 'network' and its inclusiveness in other heterogeneous 'networks'.

The methodology is based on some key theoretical concepts:
The concept of heterogeneous networks and socio-technical networks. The objective is to suggest a definition of the military and civil technology not through their institutionalized specifications, but as a result of the 'negotiations' between the actors participating in the process of innovation.

The concept of technological innovation as a process of construction of "heterogeneous associations" between the agents interested in it.

The concept of national policy of technology transfer and export control. The focus will be on the critique of the "classic" theory of the technology transfer: (1) technology transfer of innovation products from the West to the East and (2) technology transfer from military to civil industry (the problem concerning the possibility of conversion).


Selected Pubications

Bondikov, V.; Galev, T. "Tendencies of Public Relations in Bulgaria", in: Collections of papers "International Conference "European Tendencies in Public Relations", New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 1999 (in Bulgarian and English)

Yaneva, A; Galev, T.; Ponomaryov, Br.; Varov, A.; Voynov, Iv. "Mechanisms of diversification in higher education in Bulgaria: the birth of a new majors", in: "Sofia University Yearbook", Vol. Sociology, Publishing house of SU, Sofia, 1998 (in Bulgarian)

Galev, T. "Virtualisation of the Society",
in: "Sofia University Yearbook", Vol. 88, chapter Sociology, SU Publishing house, Sofia, 1997 (in Bulgarian)