Hansen, Solveig Lena | Sveden

Hansen, Solveig Lena | Sveden

Solveig Lena Hansen M.A. currently is a Research Associate at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine DMH at the University Medical Centre in Göttingen (Germany) and a doctoral scholarship-holder at the DFG-Research Training Group Dynamics of Space and Gender in Kassel/Göttingen (Germany). Her doctoral research topic is The Clone as a Challenge to Culture (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz, DMH, Göttingen). She studied Comparative Literature, Scandinavian Studies, and Gender Studies at Göttingen University (Germany) and Uppsala University (Sweden) 2005–2010. She graduated in 2010 with the thesis: Required Life. An Analysis of Literary Representations of Organ Transplantation and their Assessment. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Simone Winko, German Department, University of Göttingen)

Her main research interests are:
- Bioethics in/through Fiction
- Ethical Aspects of Cloning
- Bioethics and Culture/Gender
- Law and Literature
- Theories of Alterity
- Theories of Space


Project at IAS-STS: The clone as a challenge

Since the sheep ‛Dolly’ was born in 1996, the cloning of animals has been implemented in both biomedical research and animal breeding. Despite the latest progress in molecular biology, the fully grown human clone can still be considered a fictitious entity as it is largely undisputed that human reproductive cloning should not be legalized. Nevertheless, European laws differ greatly when it comes to the justification and scope of the legal situation.
This dissertation project aims at analyzing said differences in a comparative approach between England and Germany. These differences not only raise questions about ethical and legal arguments regarding the justification of cloning, but also about the role of cultural and historical factors in particular. In order to interpret main ideas on human reproductive cloning, I therefore focus on narratives in fiction, law/policy, public discourse, and the professional bioethical debate.
Thereby, I especially ask how technologies such as cloning can be conceptualized as actions reproducing not only individuals but also social and political spaces. On the basis of theories dealing with gender and alterity, I focus on four categories that are relevant in the negotiation of reproductive cloning in those spaces: the body, identity, the family, and power.


Selected Publications (in German)

Hansen, Solveig Lena (2014): Benötigtes Leben. Literatur als Medium zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit der Lebendorgantransplantation, in: Silke Förschler, Rebekka Habermas und Nikola Roßbach (Eds): Verorten – Verhandeln – Verkörpern. Interdisziplinäre Analysen zu Raum und Geschlecht. Bielefeld: Transcript (forthcoming)

Hansen, Solveig Lena (2013): Die Verortung des Anderen. Raum und Reproduktion in literarischen Utopien. in: Andreas Böhn/Andreas Metzner-Szigeth (Eds): Wissenschaftskommunikation, Utopien und Technikzukünfte. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing (forthcoming)

Hansen, Solveig Lena; Cronjäger, Cathrin (2013): ‛Als alles anders wurde.’ Feministische Science Fiction als Medium zur Reflexion von Reproduktionstechnologien, in: Sieglinde Grimm/Berbeli Wanning (Eds): Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik, TOLD – Themenorientierte Literaturdidaktik 1, Göttingen (forthcoming)

Hansen, Solveig Lena (2012), ‛Und was lernt man aus dieser Geschichte?’ Literarische Werke als Szenarien zur Bewertung von Fortpflanzungstechnologien, in: Giovanni Maio/Tobias Eichinger/Claudia Bozzaro (Eds): Kinderwunsch und Reproduktionsmedizin. Ethische Herausforderungen der technisierten Fortpflanzung, Freiburg 2013, 473–497.

Hansen, Solveig Lena (2012) Utopische Dynamiken von Macht, Reproduktion und Gesetz? Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zur Law and Literature-Debatte, in: Susanne Beck (Hg.): Gehört mein Körper noch mir? Untersuchungen zur (Straf-)Gesetzgebung im Kontext der beschränkten Verfügungsbefugnis über den eigenen Körper in den Lebenswissenschaften, Würzburg 2012, 193–213.