Mali, Franc | Slovenia

Mali, Franc | Slovenia

Franc Mali is Associate Professor for Epistemology and Sociology of Science at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences. His areas of expertise are: European Research Area and transitional countries, science and technology policy, epistemology of social sciences, social studies of science and technology.

His current research focuses on the mechanisms and procedures for the transfer of knowledge from the academic sector to the business-enterprise sector in the context of the new innovation paradigms and the second transition - the processes of cultural and scientific exchange between Slovenia, the European Union and the Balkan countries.


Project at IAS-STS: The Social Role of Technology in the Context of the new Mode of Knowledge Production

Work in this short-term research project encompassed first of all the intensive study of literature and other resources in the libraries of the IFZ and the University of Graz and active participation in the scientific seminars organised by the IFZ. He was involved in preparing a proposal in the CEEPUS network as one of the potential partners (field: Science and Technology Studies). He participated in the 3rd Annual Conference of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, 23-24 February, under the title “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”, where he presented the contribution "The Global-Local Dialectics in the New European Process of Scientific and Technological Integration". In his contribution, he dealt with the issues connected with the modern global-local dialectics in processes of scientific and technological globalisation with emphasis on the recent processes of transnational scientific and technological integration and co-operation (European Research Area, etc.).


Selected Publications

Franc Mali (2002): The modern development of science (Moderni razvoj znanosti). Ljubljana: Zalozba FDV.

Franc Mali (2003): Socio-Economic Transition and New Challenges for the Science and Technology Policy in Slovenia; In: Innovation Policies in Europe and the US. The new agenda. (Ed. By Peter S. Biegelbauer and Susana Borras). Hampshire: Ashgate, pp. 211-233

Franc Mali (2000): Obstacles in developing university, government and industry links: the case of Slovenia. Science studies, 13 (2000).1:31-49

Franc Mali (2003): Sociology in Slovenia: The Challenge of Transition. In: Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe. Transformation at the Dawn of a New Millenium (Ed. By Mike Forrest Keen and Janusz L. Mucha). Wstport, Connecticut London: Praeger, pp. 165-175

Franc Mali (2002): Challenges of the "European research area" for a small post-communist country in transition: the case of Slovenia. Vest,. 15 (2002) 2/3, pp. 81-96

Franc Mali (2001): Modern social system theory and the sociology of science. Journal for Social Sciences, August-December, 17(2001)37-38:71-80. Franc Mali (2001): Quality assurance: a legislative review and needs analysis : including and analysis of self-evaluation reports. Bruxelles: ACA Consortium, May 2000, pp. 41

Franc Mali (1994): Science as system part of society (Znanost kot sistemski del druzbe). Ljubljana: Zalozba FDV.

Author and co-author of numerous articles, chapters of books, expertise (about 140)