Mitrović, Mirjana | Germany

Mirjana Mitrović

Mirjana Mitrović is teaching and doing a PhD about the flâneuse and the digitalization of the urban space at the College of Architecture, Media, and Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, Germany. She did her undergraduate studies in Germany, Costa Rica and Mexico and holds a BA in Cultural Science & Spanish Philology and an MA in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies. She combines artistic practices and academic research, focusing on the influence of new technologies, especially Internet and smartphones; the everyday life of women and feminist activism; as well as geographical, corporal and mental borders and the crossing of these. She has presented her academic work at international congresses around the world, published in various newspapers and magazines and her exhibitions have been shown in Germany and abroad. For more info please visit her website

Project at IAS-STS:
The “Third Space Walk” is a method by Mirjana Mitrović to critically and attentively enter today’s public urban spaces and to overcome separate imaginations of the digital and analog worlds. During her PhD she gave seminars at Berlin University of the Arts, and workshops with women* in Mexico City and Berlin. She invited them and other artists to participate by rethinking the figure flâneur (Walter Benjamin) from a feminist and postcolonial perspective, imagining the public urban space as hybrid, a third space (Homi K. Bhabha) between virtual and material realities, seeing their body in the context of the cyborg (Donna Haraway) and presenting the results in an exhibition that was shown in Berlin in August 2022. Hence, the method is an experiment about how to rethink our relationship to and wishes for digital processes in urban spaces and to create a platform that expresses and discusses the outcome of the method from diverse perspectives in an open, fragmented and more accessible way that shows the process itself. During the stay she will work on the conclusion of her PhD thesis „Hybrid worlds: flanerie between digital and material realities in public urban spaces“ (working title).

Contact: m [punkt] mitrovic at udk-berlin [punkt] de

Selected Publications:

Suárez, M., & Mitrović, M. (forthcoming 2022). “Digital Violence as Affective Disciplining after Feminist Protests. The Case of #NotLikeThatLadies!” In: J.-P. Voß, N. Rigamonti, M. Suárez, & J. Watson (Eds.), Sensing Collectives. Aesthetic and Political Practices Intertwined. Bielefeld: transcript

Mitrović, M. (2020): “Mexiko: Feministische Proteste in Zeiten der Pandemie.” In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Online access:… (last visited: May 23, 2022)

Mitrović, M. (2020): “Europäischer Mauerfall.” In: Forum Wissenschaft, 4/2020

Mitrović, M. (2019): “Glitzer und Gewalt. Protest in Mexiko-Stadt gegen Verbrechen an Frauen – Laut und Vernetzt.” In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten, No. 543/544

Mitrović, M. (2017): “La cyborg, la Malinche y las (e)stereotipas.” In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung México. Online access: https:// (last visited: May 23, 2022)