Park, Jacob | USA

Park, Jacob | USA

Jacob Park is Associate Professor in the College of Business at Castleton University (Vermont/USA) who specializes in the research and teaching of social and environmental dimensions of innovation, entrepreneurship, and international business, with special expertise/ interests in emerging economies in Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Caribbean regions. He serves as the Associate Editor at the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and on the editorial boards of Business Strategy and the Environment and Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies. He served as the Coordinating Lead Author of the UN Environment Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Report, Lead Author for the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment initiative, and as an Expert Reviewer for a number of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Project at IAS-STS: Business of Sustainable Food Systems in the Age of Global Pandemics

I plan to explore such issues as urban climate-smart food business model design & development; food technologies research & development and 3food supply chain/logistics management related to Covid-19/pandemic crisis, particularly around under-examined issues related to food waste recovery.

Contact: Jacob [punkt] parkVT at gmail [punkt] com


Selected Publications

BOOK Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystems: Best Practices and Implications João Leitão, Helena Alves, Norris Krueger, Jacob Park (Springer, 2018)

JOURNAL ARTICLE “How Social Ventures Grow: Understanding the Role of Philanthropic Financing in Scaling Social Entrepreneurship” [co-authored with Saurabh Lall] Business & Society (Forthcoming)

JOURNAL ARTICLE • “Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Goods and Services: a Review for Decision Makers”, Special Issue on Natural Capital/Economic Valuation in Practice, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (Summer 2019)

RESEARCH REPORT “Chapter 2.6: Drivers of Global Environmental Change: Technology, Innovation, and Global Sustainability”, Global Environment Outlook-6 UN Environment Program (March 2019)

JOURNAL ARTICLE “Information and Communication Technology in Shaping Urban Low Carbon Development Pathways”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 1.5 Celsius Climate Change Urban Areas Special Issue (February 2018)