Racovita, Monica | United Kingdom
Monica Racovita is an interdisciplinary social scientist with a research core focus on bioeconomy and its links with Responsible Research and Innovation, sustainability, and international development. Additional interests include biotechnology assessment (genetically modified crops and gene editing; socio-economic impacts in particular), evidence based policy making (systematic review methodology), stakeholder participation in life sciences research projects, and science communication.Past work experienceincludesundergoing research at the GSI (Global Sustainability Institute) at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, STS (Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies) at Alpen-Adria-Universität, Graz, Austria and ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology), Trieste, Italy. At GSI in Cambridge Monica worked on the RRING project (Responsible Research and Innovation Networking Globally)investigating the bases of a global RRI.AtSTS in Graz, she worked on various EU or UN funded projects: on fostering a transition towards Responsible Research and Innovation systems; setting the base for a GMO (genetically modified organisms) research ERA-NET (a scheme that aids the development and coordination of national and regional research programmes); the assessment of genetically modified crops (stakeholder engagement; scientific controversies; feasibility of long-term feeding studies; health, environmental and socio-economic impacts); and biosafety capacity building exercises in theCaribbean region
Projekt at IAS-STS: Competing value systems between academic and regulatory science