Stupar, Aleksandra | Serbia

Stupar, Aleksandra | Serbia

Aleksandra Stupar is associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, where she graduated, obtained an MSc degree and a PhD degree in architecture and urbanism. She has presented numerous papers at conferences in Europe and Asia, and has participated in several national and international research projects and workshops. She is currently engaged in the project “Cities and Transnational Interaction. The Cultural Contacts between West and East European Urban Centres during and beyond the Cold War” which is conducted by the University of Tampere and funded by the Academy of Finland. Dr Stupar has also published articles and chapters in national and international journals and books focusing on the problems of contemporary cities and their identity. Her current research interests are technological, political and cultural aspects of urban environment and globalization, urban morphology and transformations. She is the winner of Gerd Albers Award 2008, given by ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners) for the best published article on urbanism.


Project at IAS-STS: Towards the ultimate e3-topia: Scrambling the energy efficient, eco-friendly and electronic urban future?

The contemporary society, limited by its increased demands and available resources, is trying to awake its environmental responsibility and overcome present and future consequences of our conformism and arrogance. Since climate change cannot be prevented, but only reduced and modified, cities are challenged to behave like perfect low-carbon machines which should balance between reduction strategies, economies of scale interventions, climate change impacts, good governance and management, new building codes and laws. The future conceived as e-e/eco/e-topia certainly addresses the main problems and trends of our (urban) society, but the integration of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ agenda still remains a challenge for urban planning.

Therefore, the main aim of this multileveled research is to analyze the relation between recent environmental transformations, ‘e3’ imperatives (energy efficiency, eco-friendliness/awareness and electronic interconnectedness) and contemporary urban planning and design. The research is structured upon a specific matrix, which interrelates three main elements - a scale of urban/architectural intervention, a type of innovation and a level of expected/achieved sustainability. The current socio-economic and technological context of cities is emphasized, generating a redefined model of applicable and socially acceptable e3-topia.


Selected publications

Stupar, Aleksandra: THE CITY OF GLOBALIZATION - CHALLENGES, TRANSFORMATIONS, SYMBOLS, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Orion Art, Belgrade, 2009 (in Serbian/English)

Stupar, Aleksandra:SHAPING THE IMAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN URBAN REGENERATION in Getzinger G, Wieser B, Bamme A. (eds.), ‘Yearbook 2008 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science’, Technik und Wissenschaftsforschung, Band 57, Graz, 2009, pp. 297-317

Stupar, Aleksandra: URBS ET ORBIS: (RE)CHARTING THE CENTER, (RE)POSITIONING THE LIMITS, Spatium 20, IAUS, Belgrade, 2009, pp. 53-59

Stupar, Aleksandra and Djukic, Aleksandra:UNPLANNED SETTLEMENTS, (UN)EXPECTED PROBLEMS: ‘GREEN’ SOLUTIONS FOR LOW CARBON SERBIA, 45th ISOCARP Congress 2009, Conference proceedings, ISOCARP/AIU, Porto, Portugal, 2009, 9 p.

Stupar, Aleksandra and Savcic, Vladimir: ТHE NEW URBAN ACUPUNCTURE: INTERMODAL NODES BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE, in M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, D. Engelke, P. Elisei (eds.), 14th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, Real CORP 2009 - ‘Strategies, concepts and technologies for planning the urban future’, Conference proceedings, Sitges, Spain, 2009, 6 p.

Stupar, Aleksandra: THE MAGIC MIRROR OF SUSTAINABILITY: GLITTERING IDEAS, GLOOMY REALITY, Thematic Conference Proceedings, International Scientific Conference ‘Sustainable Spatial Development of Towns and Cities’, IAUS, Belgrade, 2008, pp. 99-114

Stupar, Aleksandra: LIVING IN THE TECHNOPOLIS: BETWEEN REALITY AND IMAGINATION, Spatium 17/18, IAUS, Belgrade, 2008, pp. 21-26