Suominen, Jaakko Heikki | Finland

Suominen, Jaakko Heikki | Finland

Jaakko Suominen is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Digital Culture and Director of the School of Cultural Production and Landscape Studies at the University of Turku, Finland. Suominen is an author of two monographs on the cultural history of computing.

He has co-edited five academic books and written about 40 articles. In his studies Suominen has concentrated on the cultural history of information technology and the history of media and technology. Lately, Suominen has released a webblog book - in Finnish, - focusing on several cultural historical aspects of digitalisation such as retro-gaming, history of computer love and remediation. Suominen works in a multi-disciplinary academic community at the Pori University Consortium, which consists of units of five different universities.

Suominen has led many co-operative projects with companies as well as with municipal bodies and non-profit organizations on different aspects of digital culture.


Selected Publications

Suominen, Jaakko (2008): The Past as the Future? Nostalgia and Retrogaming in Digital Culture. /Fibreculture/, issue 11 (digital arts and culture conference (perth) issue), 2008

Suominen, Jaakko (2008): "Kuinka kieltäytyä koneista." [How to Deny Machines] /Kiitos ei! / Kieltäytymisen kulttuurihistoriaa. /[In No Thank You! Cultural History of Denials]/ /Toim. Mari K. Niemi. Ajatus Kirjat, Helsinki 2008, S. 169-188.

Suominen, Jaakko (2007): /Tietokoneen takapuoli. Kirjoituksia teknologisesta mielihyvästä. /[Behind of Computer. Writings on Technological Pleasure.] Blogimuotoinen kirja ja oppimateriaali:

Parikka, Jussi & Suominen, Jaakko (2006): "Victorian Snakes? Towards a Cultural History of Mobile Games and the Experience of Movement." /Game Studies/, volume 6 issue 1, December 2006 -

Suominen, Jaakko (2006): Very irgent business matter. Nigerialaiskirjeet osana digitaalista kulttuuria. /Tiedotustutkimus/29(2006): 2, 62–77. [English Abstract: "Very irgent business matter" - "Nigerian Scam Emails" as a Part of Digital Culture]

Suominen, Jaakko (2003): /Koneen kokemus. Tietoteknistyvä kulttuuri modernisoituvassa Suomessa 1920-luvulta 1970-luvulle/. Vastapaino, Tampere. 299 S. [Experiences with Machines. Computerised Culture in the Process of Finnish Modernisation from the 1920s to the 1970s]