Vraneski, Ariella | Israel

Vraneski, Ariella | Israel

Academic degrees:
B.Arch. Architecture and Town Planning Technion, Haifa 1974,
M.Sc (With Honors) Urban and Regional Planning Technion, Haifa 1984, D.Sc. (With Honors) Urban and Regional Planning Technion, Haifa 1994

Academic appointments:
1994 - present Member of the Board of Directors and Senior Researcher, the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, the Technion Research and Development Foundation.
1995 - present Head of CRRG (Conflict Resolution Research Group), of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies.
1995 - present Adjunct Professor, Political Science, Haifa University. 1997-8 Director of Public Policy, Planning and Environment Section , The Israeli Center for Negotiations and Conflict Resolution, the Neeman Institute, Technion.
1986 - present Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion - Israel Institute of. Technology.

Research Fellowships - International:
1998 - 1999 Instituto di Riceche sull Economica Meditarranea, Napoli, Itali. Consiglio Nazionale delle Riceche (CNR), Republic of Italy.
2000 - present The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
2001 Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society from May to July.

Proffessional experience:
1970-4 Planning and Graphics in various Architects' and Planners' offices (in the course of undergraduate studies).
1974-6 Miller & Blum, Environmental and Landscape Planning.
1977 Haifa Municipality, Planner in the City's Engineering Department.
1977-80 Qiryat Atta Municipality, Chief Planner - In charge of City Planning and Public Buildings.
1980-99 Private Planning Office (A. Vraneski Co.). Management and chief planner. Planning and consulting: Architectural; Environmental; Urban and Regional Planning and Environmental Impact Assessments. Employed a staff of up to - 7. Delivered work to the Israeli Ministry of Interior, the Israelis Ministry of Housing, the Israeli Land Authority, local municipalities, and many other public institutions, private firms and individuals.

Research interests:
Conflict analysis, prevention and resolution; Alternative dispute resolution (ADR); Statutory planning and planning policy; Planning systems and institutions; Planning and management for sustainable development; Town, regional and environmental planning practices; Trans-boundary planning
Planning for minority groups; Environmental conflicts and the mass media; Community building; Public participation

Project at IAS-STS: A Comparative Study on the Prevention, Mitigation and Resolution of Conflicts, and on Public Participation, as Means towards Sustainable Development

The goal of this project is to improve environmental conflict management (CM) and community participation (CP), as a means of promoting sustainable development (SD). During my visit at Graz, I work on a comparative study to further decision making and planning practices in both Israel and Austria, and to assess the feasibility to conduct a broad-based research in this field in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies and other Institutions.

The project focuses on urban and regional planning. It is aimed at synthesising scientific, technological and social interdisciplinary knowledge in fields related to SD, CP and CM, in order to advance the overall state of the discipline and help decision-makers generate high quality urban and regional planning. It will address the classic conflicts found in the primary goals of sustainable development (i.e., "jobs versus environment," "income equality versus growth and efficiency," "environment versus equity"). The study will focus on inter-group, intra-group and multiparty disputes that are part and parcel of planning in general and of planning for SD in particular. Theoretical knowledge and practical tools created by the proposed broad-based research will address the enlargement of the problem-solving capacity and CM skills of persons who intervene in the promotion of SD.