VITAPATCH - Multifunctional Data Patch for Vital and Movement Monitoring in Everyday Environments
In the FEMtech project "Multifunctional Data Patch for Vital and Movement Monitoring in Everyday Environments" (VITAPATCH), a new technology is developed which makes it possible to realize cost-efficient assessments on a medical quality level in a close to everyday life setting, as well as fitness and movement monitoring. ECG electrodes and piezoelectric sensors on ultra-thin stretchable adhesive foils will send signals to a smartphone app.
FFG (industrial research)
- Human Research Institut für Gesundheitstechnologie und Präventionsforschung GmbH
- JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
The aim of the project is the creation of a basic technology which in the future may be used for medical assessments and monitoring in everyday life as well as fitness and sports applications. Since the requirements regarding sensor layout and placement, algorithms for data interpretation, and user guidance will differ with respect to the user cases, the IFZ will contribute its gender and diversity expertise throughout the project and support any participatory processes with relevant stakeholders. Of great interest for the IFZ are
- the design oft he medical product for a positive contextualisation of the technology;
- the collection, processing, and storage of sensible, personal, medical data; and
- the interaction between users and technology.
Gendered Innovations-Video: Anita Thaler explains the approach of VITAPATCH.