Sandra Karner

Mag.a Sandra Karner

Schlögelgasse 2, 8010 Graz
sandra [Punkt] karner at ifz [Punkt] at

Sandra Karner studied Biology with a focus on molecular genetics at the University of Graz. Since April 2001 IFZ staff member in the context of the St:WUK project "Biotechnology and Alternatives in Styria", since April 2002 scientific staff member at IFZ, since 2004 lecturer at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and University of Graz. Sandra Karner is in charge of INFOgen, a public information service on modern biotechnology, which informs about basics and applications of biotechnology, organizes events, lectures and offers materials (teaching material, multi media CDs, books, etc.). Her research focuses on issues of participation related to the involvement of the public in research, science governance, regulatory aspects and health risk assessment of biotech.
Since 2017 Sandra Karner heads the research area Food Systems.

Main fields of acitivity
  • Science- & Technology Studies
  • Participation, public engagement in research
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Impacts of new developments in biotechnology, genetic engineering
  • Alternative agro-food networks


until 2025

until 2024

until 2023

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2022-2023
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2021-2023

until 2022

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2021-2022

until 2021

until 2020

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2020

until 2019

until 2018

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2014-2018

until 2017

until 2016

until 2015

until 2014

until 2013

until 2010

until 2007

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2004-2007
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 1997-2007

until 2006

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2005-2006

until 2004

until 2003

Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2003


  • Knowledge transfer agents as catalysts for changing gender policies and practices in research, 2024

    Thaler, Anita; Karner, Sandra & Wicher, Magdalena

    Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins & Andrea Wolfram (Hg.). Wissenschaftskarrieren und Gender Bias. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barabar Budrich Verlag, 147-159

  • Can participatory action research deepen the understanding of intersectionality in the field of biodiversity research?, 2024

    Thaler, Anita & Karner, Sandra

    Carmen-Pilar Marti Ballester (ed.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gender Research, Barcelona., 378-387

  • Methodological framework for intersectionality analysis, 2023

    Thaler, Anita & Karner, Sandra (eds.)

    (Report No D1.3). Project 101082212 — PLANET4B. Brussels: European Research Executive Agency.

  • From the edge to the core: Participatory food environment research in European cities., 2023

    Czeglédi, A., Kopczynska, E., Peltola, T., Seppälä, T., Pózner, V., Szakál, D., Steinwender, D., Karner, S., Kaljonen, M., Oinonen, I., Hey, M.

    In: Getzinger, G., Jahrbacher, M., Häller, F. (eds) Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies - STS Conference Proceedings, Graz 2023.

  • Social inclusion through a ‘SuperCoop’? Addressing exclusion by organisational innovation in alternative food provision schemes., 2023

    Steinwender, D., Karner, S., Raith. D., Exner A., Fitzka, L.

    Conference Paper. In: Getzinger, G., Jahrbacher, M., Häller, F. (eds) Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies - STS Conference Proceedings, Graz 2023.

  • Erhöhung der Versorgungssicherheit im Krisenfall Provi Maßnahmen_screen.pdf704.89 KB , 2022

    Angelika Tisch, Sandra Karner, Jürgen Suschek-Berger, Hannes Pöcklhofer, Herbert Saurugg, Thomas Prinz

    Ergebnisse des im Rahmen der KIRAS Sicherheitsforschung geförderten Projekts „Erhöhung des Sicherheitsniveaus Österreichs durch sichere Beschaffung“.

  • Co-producing gender equality knowledge – the CHANGErs’ approach., 2022

    Thaler, A.; Dahmen-Adkins, J.; Karner, S.

    In: J. Dahmen-Adkins & A. Thaler (Eds.), Customised CHANGE Co-Producing Gender Equality Knowledge in Science and Research (p. 12-19). doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/9XPR2

  • The Hidden Potential: Gender in research funding of three strong innovators. In: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies – STS Conference Proceedings 2021, Graz, 2021

    Thaler, A.; Ashkenazi, M.; Baumert, M.; Haack, J.; Himi, H.; Karner, S.

  • Integrierte Koproduktion von Geschlechter- und Gleichstellungswissen im europäischen Forschungskontext, 2021

    Dahmen-Adkins, J.; Karner, S.; Thaler, A.

    In: Wroblewski, A.; Schmidt, A. (eds). Gleichstellungspolitiken revisited. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, S. 59-74.

  • Die DorfUni als interkommunales Bildungsnetzwerk., 2020

    Steinwender, D., Bärnthaler, C., Karner, S., Nahrada, F.

  • Co-producing knowledge online: workshopping ideas IFZ-EWP 1-2020.pdf1.48 MB , 2020

    Thaler, A.; Anslinger, J.; Ashkenazi, M.; Dahmen-Adkins, J.; Himi, H.; Karner, S.; Schlager, J.; Wicher, M.

    IFZ Electronic Working Paper 1-2020

  • Inclusive development and prioritization of review questions in a highly controversial field of regulatory science, 2018

    Spök, A.; Racovita, M.; Karner, S.; Adduci, G.; Smets G.; Rüdelsheim, P.; Kohl, C.; Wilhelm, R.; Schiemann, J.

    In: Neil R. Haddaway, Sally Crowe (Ed) Stakeholder Engagement in Environmental Evidence Synthesis. Mistra Council for Evidence-based Environmental Management (EviEM), Stockholm, Sweden. p. 123-142 Environmental Evidence, 2018


  • Leaving the ivory tower through scientific innovation co-operative research – A social experiment in research on alternative agro-food networks, 2017

    Goszczyński, W.; Stankiewicz, P.; Karner, S.; Chioncel, N.

    In: Acta Innovations 74 (24): 74-86. ISSN 2300-5599, 2017.

  • Wie durch gemeinsame Wissensproduktion in der Gender-Forschung soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung befördert werden kann, 2017

    Karner, S.;  Thaler, A.; Wicher, M.

    In: Dahmen, J. & A. Thaler (Hg.). Soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. S. 127-141.

  • Positionspapier "Verantwortungsbewusste Forschung und Innovation" Begriffsbestimmung, Herausforderungen, Handlungsempfehlungen, 2016

    Föger, N.; Garber, K.; Grießler, E.; Gschmeidler, B.; Hafellner, S.; Karner, S.; Polt, W.; Reckling, F.; Schiffbänker, H.; Schuch, K.; Thaler, A.; Weber, M.; Whitelegg, K.; Wolfslehner, D.; Wroblewski, A.

  • FOODLINKS: Building communities of practice for learning on sustainable food consumption and production, 2016

    Karner, S.; Bock, B.; Hoekstra, F.; Moschitz, H.; Thaler, A.; Wiskerke, H.

    In: Martinuzzi A., Sedlacko, M. [ed]: Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development. Greenleave Publishing Sheffield 2016.

  • Transdisziplinarität messen? Indikatoren für gesellschaftliche Wirksamkeit von Forschung am Beispiel der IFF, 2015

    Krainer, L.; Pretis, S.; Campbell, D. F. J., Haas, W.;  Miechtner, G.; Plunger, P.; Reitinger, E.; Spök, A.; Karner, S.; Weisz, B. U.

    Eigenverlag, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, IFF

  • Balancing competing policy demands: the case of sustainable public sector food procurement, 2015

    Smith, J.; Andersson, G.; Gourlay, R.; Karner, S.; Mikkelsen, B. E.; Sonnino, R.; Barling, D.

    In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 112(1), pp. 249-256. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.07.065

  • Local Food Systems in the European Union: Current Situation and Policies, 2014

    Karner, S.

    In: Proceedings  Local Food International Conference, Yangpyeong-gun. Local Food Korea. p. 33-52

  • Zwischen Welten – Transdisziplinäre Forschungsprozesse realisieren, 2014

    Weisz, U.; Karner, S.; Heintel, P.; Grossmann, R.

    In: Gert Dressel, Wilhelm Berger, Katharina Heimerl, Verena Winiwarter (Hg.): Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. transcript Bielefeld, 2014, S. 121-134,  ISBN: 978-3-8394-2484-1

  • FAAN - Facilitating Alternative Agro-Food Networks, 2014

    Karner, S.

    In: Gert Dressel, Wilhelm Berger, Katharina Heimerl, Verena Winiwarter (Hg.): Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. transcript Bielefeld, 2014, S. 267-276,  ISBN: 978-3-8394-2484-1

  • Knowledge Brokerage in Communities of Practice. Hands on recommendations, 2014

    Karner, S.; Bock, B.; Hoekstra, F.; Moschitz, H.; Thaler, A.

  • Nachhaltigkeit am Kantinen-Teller, 2013

    Karner, S.; Barling, D.; Smith J.

  • Pool of Tools and Methods Report "Pool of Tools and Methods"752.2 KB , 2011

    Karner, S.; Hoekstra, F.; Moschitz H.

    FOODLINKS - Knowledge brokerage to promote sustainable food consumption and production: linking scientists, policymakers and civil society organizations. Project Report: Deliverable D2.3

  • Alternativen zur globalisierten Nahrungsmittelversorgung – Ein innovativer Forschungsansatz für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Nahrungsmittelversorgung, 2011

    Karner, S.

    In: Soziale Technik 1/2011, S. 17-19

  • Organic plus – (re)politisation of the food sector? Reflections on two case studies. Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty, 2010

    Petrovics, S.; Chioncel, N. E.; Karner, S.; Salzer. I.

    In: Ika Darnhofer and Michaela Grötzer (Eds): Proceedings of the 9th European IFSA Symposium. Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna 2010 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9), pp. 1783-1792; Link to the publication

  • Co-operative research: An integrated approach through transdisciplinarity. Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty, 2010

    Karner, S.; Chioncel, N. E.

    In: Ika Darnhofer and Michaela Grötzer (Eds): Proceedings of the 9th European IFSA Symposium. Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna 2010 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9), pp. 487-491, Link zur Veröffentlichung

  • Local Food Systems in Europe: Case studies from five countries and what they imply for policy and practice, 2010

    Karner, S. (eds.)

    IFZ- Eigenverlag, Graz 2010

  • Proceedings of the 9th Annual IAS-STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies, 2010

    Karner, S.; Wieser, B.; Getzinger, G. (Hg.) .

    IFZ Eigenverlag Graz 2010, ISBN 978-3-9502678-3-9.

  • 'ALMO': a bottom-up approach in agricultural innovation, 2009

    Karner, S.

    In: Millar K., Hobson West P., Nerlic B. (Hg.): Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2009, pp. 222-22

  • Selbst erkämpfte Handlungsmöglichkeiten – Dreißig Jahre ErzeugerInnen- VerbraucherInnen Netzwerke, 2009

    Petrovics, S.; Karner, S.; Salzer, I.

    In zoll+, Nr. 14, Juni 2009, S. 34-36

  • Plant Molecular Farming – Opportunities and Challenges, 2008

    Spök, A.; Karner, S.

    In: Stein, A.J., Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. (Eds.): Technical Report Series, Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, EUR 23383 EN, DOI 10.2791/30861, European Communities 2008

  • Proceedings of the 7th Annual IAS-STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies, 2008

    Karner, S.; Wieser, B.; Getzinger, G. (Hg.)

    IFZ-Eigenverlag Graz 2008, ISBN 978-3-9502242-7-6.

  • INNOVAZID – Innovative Dienstleistungskonzepte im Pflanzenschutz, 2004

    Karner, S.; Klade, M.; Klingspiegl, M.; Strebel, H.; Vorbach, S.

    Report commissioned by the Zukunftsfonds Steiermark. Graz 2004